Explore your plan options

Every Blue Shield plan is designed to help you discover the healthiest version of yourself. Choose from the options below to get started on your path to better health. If you need help choosing a plan or learning more about programs and services offered by Blue Shield, watch this video below or visit . blueshieldca.com/employercoverage.


ASO PPO 250 90/70
+ ASO PPO Plan Outpatient Prescription Drug Coverage

Our PPO plans offer a broad physician and hospital network, and the flexibility to see any doctor in, or out, of the plan’s network. However, PPO plans may include a deductible, which is the amount you must pay before your insurance kicks in. After you’ve met your deductible, you’ll usually pay a percentage of the cost, which is called coinsurance. Staying in network will mean you usually pay lower out of pocket costs than if you choose to go out of network.


Health programs and services
Access to care

From routine checkups to emergencies and everything in between, we give you convenient access to a quality network of healthcare providers.

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LifeReferrals 24/7

Experienced professionals are ready to help you with personal, family, and work issues at any time. Learn more by logging in to blueshieldca.com. For more information, call LifeReferrals 24/7 toll-free, anytime, at (800) 985-2405.

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Mobile app

View your ID card, search for doctors, track your claim information, understand your benefits and more.

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Contact Blue Shield

Member Services

Phone: (855) 829-3566

7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday
